Saturday, August 22, 2009

Changes in the Air

Here we are in late August -- summer seems to be winding down, especially given the cool and rainy weather. The U. D. students are returning as I type this. The caravan of vans (and SUV's) is creeping its way along Irving Avenue towards the dorms.

We have a few houses on Irving and Volusia for sale. We're sorry to see our neighbors go, but wish them all the best. If you happen to see any "lookers" be sure to mention the Oakwood ordinance that allows no more than 2 unrelated persons living in one house. The prices are great given the economy, so please encourage any families you know to have a look-see if they want to move to our beautiful neighborhood!

Routsong Development: A lot has happened since we last posted! The properties on the corner have been rezoned Neighborhood Business, Mr. Routsong's team presented his first proposal to the Oakwood Planning Commission. The Planning Commission tabled the request with several concerns noted. Read the minutes by clicking here. Through the summer Routsong's team has been working on the plan with the assistance of Mark Risley, a citizen knowledgeable about the architectural styles used in Oakwood.

The next Planning Commission Meeting is Wednesday, September 23 at 4:30 p.m. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. I will post the issues in the next installment.

Have a great week, North Oakwood!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

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