Monday, February 23, 2009

March City Council Mtg

On March 2, 2009 Oakwood City Council members will vote on the rezoning of he parking lots that surround the former Routsong Funeral Home.

Please take a moment to voice your opinion to them. AND please come to the meeting. It's at 7:30 p.m. next Monday night (March 2).

Their names, phone numbers and fax numbers (for letters) are as follows:
If you want to fax your letter to them: 297-2940 (same number for all)

Judy Cook --Mayor – Phone: 299-5299
Carlo C. McGinnis--- Vice Mayor--- Phone: 296-0938
Steven Byington ---Council Member ---Phone: 643-2503
William D. Duncan ---Council Member ---Phone: 299-4569
Stanley Castleman ---Council Member-- Phone: 294-8499


Rob said...

What is the popular opinion of the North Oakwood Assoc re the rezoning and supporting information?

North Oakwood Association said...

We have not had a vote, but I'd say that those most vocal are almost all are opposed to rezoning the parking lots for NBD. They would like to see a scaled down development of the corner with parking lots as green space.
-- Barbara