Saturday, May 1, 2010

Routsong Update: 05/01/2010

On Monday, May 3rd, Mr. Routsong will go before the city council to appeal the planning commission’s unanimous decision to deny his site development plan. Most of you are familiar with the site plan and know well the objections to it:  parking on Oakwood Avenue, alteration of the sidewalk, the drive-thru “feature,” traffic flow and safety issues, removal of Oak trees, and so on. 

This past week, Norb Klopsch and Jay Weiskircher met with a small group* of NOA members to discuss the Routsong appeal and explain what has transpired since the September planning commission meeting.  The bottom line is that city staff has attempted to work out a compromise with Mr. Routsong, but all attempts have been unsuccessful. (In fact, he even presented a new plan that apparently has more issues than the one presented in September. We were not shown the plan.)
On Monday, our city council will hear the appeal and vote whether or not to uphold the decision of the planning commission; the vote will be based on the September site development plan.  Of our five council members, only two will vote with the others recused for conflict of interest:
·    William Duncan, Mayor
·    Anne Hilton (new member)
·    Steve Byington, Vice Mayor:  recused
·    Stanley Castleman:  recused
·    Rob Stephens (new member):  recused

So, the decision about the entrance to our historic neighborhood and the city rests with our new mayor and our new council member.

·    A vote for the appeal = September site plan is approved;
·    A vote against the appeal = September site plan is not approved;
·    A split vote = a vote against the appeal.

Mr. Weiskircher indicated that the working file with all its history will be shared with the new members of the council, but, should you have further comments or concerns, you can reach Anne Hilton at 298-0382 and Mayor Duncan at 299-4569 (or by fax at 297-2940).

September has faded away, but our concerns have not.  Please show your support for your neighbors and our city and join us at 7:30pm on Monday May 3rd at the city building.  We'll see you there.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please update with City Council's decision