Monday, September 28, 2009


The Planning Commission met last Wednesday (9/23/09) and the first item on the agenda was the continuation of the Routsong Retail Center development drawings. The Commission members voted to deny Mr. Routsong's development as presented.

The main issues were parking in front on Oakwood Avenue, N and E sides of the building architecture, sidewalk move, and the drive thru. Those are just what I recollect; when the minutes are available we will email you the link. The Commission members did a very thorough job of protecting our historic neighborhood.

Mr. Routsong may appeal the Planning Commission decision to the City Council. We will continue to watch and will keep you posted of any further action on this matter.

Thank you so much to those citizens who wrote letters to the Commission members and to those who came to the meeting. All of those actions did make a difference!

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