Thursday, November 13, 2008

Routsong Proposal News!

The Routsong proposal to the Oakwood Planning Commission has been substantially revised. The major changes are listed below.
THANK YOU to ALL of you who signed the petition and attended the meeting in October to voice our opinion about the proposed razing of the 2 housing structures!

The Oakwood Planning Commission meeting to discuss the new proposal will be held December 3, 2008.

1. The size of the building has been reduced from 10,500 to 8,129 s.f.
2. The proposal is confined to the lots currently being used for the existing use. In other words, the applicant is no longer requesting to demolish or rezone the residential properties @ 20 Oakwood Ave and 222 Irving Ave.
3. The portion of the public alley that was vacated in the mid-1970's will be closed to thru-traffic and become part of the development.
4. The three lots that are currently used for parking (R-5) will be rezoned to NBD (Neighborhood Business District), the same zoning as exists on the corner and across the street (Post Office).

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